Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Adventures Await!

Hello to everyone who is reading this!

Today I decided to start writing my blog. This is mostly for me to keep a track of what went on during my trip but I am happy to share with others if they want a lot of details and would like to hear about it as well!

We are three weeks away from take-off date (2/1), and we are in the midst of planning our adventures. So far they include climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge, whale-watching, scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef, feeding lemurs, and the cliche koala picture.

Hope to keep track of these throughout the traveling weeks! God Bless!

P.S. Emily and I are also keeping a vlog (videoblog) of our travels with our Flip videocamera. You can find those at this link:
We will also post the link on our blog entries. Thanks!